
The converttime service can be used to convert any time from UTC or any of the supported locations to any other of the supported locations.

You have to specify a time stamp either in ISO8601 representation via the iso parameter, or you have to specify the individual components of the time stamp. Skipped components will not yield an error message, but use a default value instead (which corresponds to 01.01.2001, 00:00:00).

This service can be tested with the Query Builder.

Request Parameters:


Specify the ID of the location for which the supplied time stamp corresponds. If the time stamp is in UTC, use the location id 1440 (or /utc).

Type: String / Location Id


Specify the ID of the location(s) for which the time stamp should be converted. You can supply multiple locations by either providing them as comma separated list, or by repeating the parameter multiple times. There is a limit of maximum 25 locations per requests.

Type: String / Location Id


Time stamp in ISO8601 format.

Type: String / ISO8601 Timestamp

Example: 2011-06-08T09:18:16

Condition: either the iso or the parameters for the separate field time stamp have to be specified.


Year component of the time stamp.

Type: Integer

Condition: either the iso or the parameters for the separate field time stamp have to be specified.


Month component of the time stamp.

Type: Integer

Condition: either the iso or the parameters for the separate field time stamp have to be specified.


Day component of the time stamp.

Type: Integer

Condition: either the iso or the parameters for the separate field time stamp have to be specified.


Hour component of the time stamp.

Type: Integer

Condition: either the iso or the parameters for the separate field time stamp have to be specified.


Minute component of the time stamp.

Type: Integer

Condition: either the iso or the parameters for the separate field time stamp have to be specified.


Seconds component of the time stamp.

Type: Integer

Condition: either the iso or the parameters for the separate field time stamp have to be specified.


The preferred language for the texts. An error will be raised if the language code cannot be recognized. In case the text for a specific event cannot be retrieved in the requested language it will be returned in English instead. This is also the default language.

In case you have specific needs for a certain language/translation, please contact us.

Type: String / ISO639 Language Code

Default value: en

Note: Due to technical limitations, time zone names cannot be translated at the moment.

Search radius for translating coordinates (parameters fromid and toid) to locations. Coordinates that could not be translated will yield results for the actual geographical position.

Type: Integer

Default value: infinite (but only locations within the same country and time zone are considered)


Add a list of time changes during the year to the location object. This listing e.g. shows changes caused by daylight savings time.

Type: Boolean

Accepted values: 0 or 1

Default value: 0


Add time zone information under the time object.

Type: Boolean

Accepted values: 0 or 1

Default value: 1


Adds verbose time specification to all ISO 8601 time stamps.

Type: Boolean

Accepted values: 0 or 1

Default value: 1


See also the section “General Parameters”.

Response Elements:


UTC time stamp of requested time.

Type: UtcType

location (XML), locations (JSON)

This element contains the time information for the locations in the request. For the XML format, it will be repeated multiple times, while for JSON, it is modeled as an array of objects with the same content.

Type: Array of LocationType

Example JSON Request:;version=3&out=json&prettyprint=1&accesskey={KEY}&expires={TIMESTAMP}&signature={SIGNATURE}

Example JSON response:

"version": 3,
  "billing": {
    "credits": 1
  "utc": {
    "time": {
      "iso": "2011-12-30T13:00:00",
      "datetime": {
        "year": 2011,
        "month": 12,
        "day": 30,
        "hour": 13,
        "minute": 0,
        "second": 0
  "locations": [{
    "id": "750",
    "geo": {
      "name": "Lord Howe Island",
      "state": "Lord Howe Island",
      "country": {
        "id": "au",
        "name": "Australia"
      "latitude": -31.557,
      "longitude": 159.086
    "matches": "source",
    "time": {
      "iso": "2011-12-31T00:00:00+11:00",
      "datetime": {
        "year": 2011,
        "month": 12,
        "day": 31,
        "hour": 0,
        "minute": 0,
        "second": 0
      "timezone": {
        "offset": "+11:00",
        "zoneabb": "LHDT",
        "zonename": "Lord Howe Daylight Time",
        "zoneoffset": 37800,
        "zonedst": 1800,
        "zonetotaloffset": 39600
    "id": "146",
    "geo": {
      "name": "Maputo",
      "country": {
        "id": "mz",
        "name": "Mozambique"
      "latitude": -25.966,
      "longitude": 32.567
    "time": {
      "iso": "2011-12-30T15:00:00+02:00",
      "datetime": {
        "year": 2011,
        "month": 12,
        "day": 30,
        "hour": 15,
        "minute": 0,
        "second": 0
      "timezone": {
        "offset": "+02:00",
        "zoneabb": "CAT",
        "zonename": "Central Africa Time",
        "zoneoffset": 7200,
        "zonedst": 0,
        "zonetotaloffset": 7200
    "matchparam": "146"

Example XML Request:;version=3&out=xml&prettyprint=1&accesskey={KEY}&expires={TIMESTAMP}&signature={SIGNATURE}

Example XML response

<data version="3">
    <time iso="2011-12-30T13:00:00">
  <location id="750" matches="source">
      <name>Lord Howe Island</name>
      <state>Lord Howe Island</state>
      <country id="au">Australia</country>
    <time iso="2011-12-31T00:00:00+11:00">
      <timezone offset="+11:00">
        <zonename>Lord Howe Daylight Time</zonename>
  <location id="146" matchparam="146">
      <country id="mz">Mozambique</country>
    <time iso="2011-12-30T15:00:00+02:00">
      <timezone offset="+02:00">
        <zonename>Central Africa Time</zonename>