Astronomy API: Documentation
Get Started with our Astronomy APIs
Get information on astronomical events and the position of celestial objects – with a few lines of code in your language of choice.
Install Official Libraries
To get started, use one of's official API libraries for your programming language. If your language isn't supported, you can send the requests manually over HTTP. If you would like to request an official library for your language, please contact us.
$ git clone
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the data you want, the location, and the dates you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
var coordinates = new Coordinates(59.743m, 10.204m);
var place = new LocationId(coordinates);
var date = new DateTime(2020, 11, 26);
var service = new AstronomyService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
service.Types = AstronomyEventClass.Meridian | AstronomyEventClass.Phase;
Get Result
The astro_info
variable will now contain the following information when the Moon is at the Meridian as well as it's phase on 2020-11-26: time, altitude, distance, and illumination of the Moon at its highest point in the night sky.
var astroInfo = service.GetAstronomicalInfo(AstronomyObjectType.Moon, place, date);
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the C#/.NET Library.
<name>Time and Date API Packages</name>
Configure Maven Authentication
We are using github packages to serve the maven repository. This in order to access the repository, you need to configure access keys on github. For more details on how to proceed please click here
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the data you want, the location, and the dates you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
Coordinates coordinates = new Coordinates(59.743m, 10.204m);
LocationId place = new LocationId(coordinates);
TADDateTime date = new TADDateTime(2015, 1, 1);
AstronomyService service = new AstronomyService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
service.Types = EnumSet.of(AstronomyEventClass.MERIDIAN, AstronomyEventClass.MERIDIAN);
Get Result
The astro_info
variable will now contain the following information when the Moon is at the Meridian as well as it's phase on 2020-11-26: time, altitude, distance, and illumination of the Moon at its highest point in the night sky.
List<AstronomyLocation> astroInfo = service.getAstronomicalInfo(AstronomyObjectType.Moon, place, date);
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the Java/JVM Library.
# Carthage
github "TimeAndDate/TadApi"
# CocoaPods
pod 'libtad-swift', '~> 1.0'
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the data you want, the location, and the dates you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
let astronomyService = AstronomyService(accessKey: "accessKey", secretKey:"secretKey")
let astronomyRequest = AstronomyRequest()
astronomyRequest.objects = [AstroObjectType.moon]
astronomyRequest.placeId = "+59.743-10.204m"
astronomyRequest.startDate = Date()
astronomyRequest.types = [EventClass.meridian, EventClass.phase]
Get Result
The astro_info
variable will now contain the following information when the Moon is at the Meridian as well as it's phase on 2020-11-26: time, altitude, distance, and illumination of the Moon at its highest point in the night sky.
astronomyService.getAstronomicalInfo(request:astronomyRequest) { (result, error) in
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the Swift Library.
gem 'libtad'
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the data you want, the location, and the dates you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
place = "norway/oslo"
date = 2020, month: 11, day: 26)
types = [:meridian, :phase]
client = 'access_key', secret_key: 'secret_key')
Get Result
The astro_info
variable will now contain the following information when the Moon is at the Meridian as well as it's phase on 2020-11-26: time, altitude, distance, and illumination of the Moon at its highest point in the night sky.
result = client.get_astro_events(object: :moon, place_id: place, types: types, start_date: date)
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the Ruby Library.
Add libtad-rs
as a dependency in Cargo.toml
libtad-rs = "0.2"
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the data you want, the location, and the dates you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
let client = libtad_rs::ServiceClient::new("access_key".into(), "secret_key".into());
let request = AstroEventRequest::new()
Get Result
The astro_info
variable will now contain the following information when the Moon is at the Meridian as well as it's phase on 2020-11-26: time, altitude, distance, and illumination of the Moon at its highest point in the night sky.
let result = client.get_astro_events(&request);
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the Rust Library.
$ pip3 install libtad
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the data you want, the location, and the dates you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
from libtad import AstronomyService
from libtad.datatypes.places import Coordinates, LocationId
from libtad.datatypes.time import TADDateTime
from libtad.datatypes.astro import AstronomyEventClass, AstronomyObjectType
coordinates = Coordinates(59.743, 10.204)
place = LocationId(coordinates)
date = TADDateTime(2020, 11, 26)
service = AstronomyService("accessKey", "secretKey")
service.types = AstronomyEventClass.Meridian | AstronomyEventClass.Phase
Get Result
The astro_info
variable will now contain the following information when the Moon is at the Meridian as well as it's phase on 2020-11-26: time, altitude, distance, and illumination of the Moon at its highest point in the night sky.
astro_info = service.get_astronomical_info(AstronomyObjectType.Moon, place, date)
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the Python Library.
Build Query
You will need cURL installed in order to execute the following commands. The following samples also require you to have enabled "Insecure Methods" on your access key.
$ ACCESSKEY="<Your Access Key>"
$ SECRETKEY="<Your Secret Key>"
$ curl -G \
--data-urlencode "version=3" \
--data-urlencode "prettyprint=1" \
--data-urlencode "accesskey=$ACCESSKEY" \
--data-urlencode "secretkey=$SECRETKEY" \
--data-urlencode "placeid=norway/oslo" \
--data-urlencode "object=moon" \
--data-urlencode "types=meridian,phase" \
--data-urlencode "startdt=2020-11-26" \
Get Result
Execute cURL with the parameters set previously and receive the resulting calculation as a JSON object.
"version": 3,
"billing": {
"credits": 1
"locations": [{
"id": "187",
"geo": {
"name": "Oslo",
"country": {
"id": "no",
"name": "Norway"
"latitude": 59.913,
"longitude": 10.740
"matchparam": "187",
"astronomy": {
"objects": [{
"name": "moon",
"days": [{
"date": "2020-11-26",
"events": [{
"type": "meridian",
"hour": 21,
"min": 36,
"sec": 35,
"altitude": 35.6,
"distance": 405882,
"illuminated": 89.0,
"posangle": 333.7
"moonphase": "waxinggibbous"
Install Official Libraries
To get started, use one of's official API libraries for your programming language. If your language isn't supported, you can send the requests manually over HTTP. If you would like to request an official library for your language, please contact us.
$ git clone
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the data you want, the location and the optionally the date interval you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
var coordinates = new Coordinates(59.743m, 10.204m);
var place = new LocationId(coordinates);
var date = new DateTime(2021, 1, 1, 14, 14, 34);
var service = new AstrodataService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
Get Result
The result
variable will now data about the sun at the exact point in time that was requested.
var result = service.GetAstroData(AstronomyObjectType.Sun, place, date);
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the C#/.NET Library.
$ pip3 install libtad
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the data you want, the location and the optionally the date interval you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
from libtad import AstrodataService
from libtad.datatypes.places import Coordinates, LocationId
from libtad.datatypes.time import TADDateTime
from libtad.datatypes.astro import AstronomyObjectType
coordinates = Coordinates(59.743, 10.204)
place = LocationId(coordinates)
date = TADDateTime(2020, 11, 26)
service = AstrodataService("accessKey", "secretKey")
Get Result
The result
variable will now data about the sun at the exact point in time that was requested.
result = service.get_astrodata(AstronomyObjectType.Sun, place, date)
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the Python Library.
gem 'libtad'
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the data you want, the location and the optionally the date interval you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
client = 'access_key', secret_key: 'secret_key')
place = "norway/stavanger"
interval = 2021, month: 1, day: 1, hour: 14, minute: 14, second: 34)
Get Result
The result
variable will now data about the sun at the exact point in time that was requested.
result = client.get_astro_position(object: :sun, place_id: place, interval: interval);
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the Ruby Library.
Add libtad-rs
as a dependency in Cargo.toml
libtad-rs = "0.2"
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the data you want, the location and the optionally the date interval you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
let client ="access_key".into(), "secret_key".into());
let request = AstroPositionRequest::new()
Get Result
The result
variable will now data about the sun at the exact point in time that was requested.
let result = client.get_astro_position(&request);
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the Rust Library.
Install Official Libraries
To get started, use one of's official API libraries for your programming language. If your language isn't supported, you can send the requests manually over HTTP. If you would like to request an official library for your language, please contact us.
$ git clone
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the location and the optionally the date interval you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
var place = new LocationId("norway/stavanger");
var startDate = new DateTime(2021, 1, 1);
var endDate = new DateTime(2021, 1, 3);
var service = new TidesService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
service.StartDate = startDate;
service.EndDate = endDate;
Get Result
The result
variable will now contain amplitude and time for tidal high and low points based on predictions for a tidal station. The result also contains information about the tidal station.
var result = service.GetTidalData(place);
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the C#/.NET Library.
<name>Time and Date API Packages</name>
Configure Maven Authentication
We are using github packages to serve the maven repository. This in order to access the repository, you need to configure access keys on github. For more details on how to proceed please click here
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the location and the optionally the date interval you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
var place = new LocationId("norway/stavanger");
var startDate = new TADDateTime(2021, 1, 1);
var endDate = new TADDateTime(2021, 1, 3);
var service = new TidesService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
Get Result
The result
variable will now contain amplitude and time for tidal high and low points based on predictions for a tidal station. The result also contains information about the tidal station.
var result = service.getTidalData(place);
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the Java/JVM Library.
gem 'libtad'
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the location and the optionally the date interval you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
client = 'access_key', secret_key: 'secret_key')
place = "norway/stavanger"
start_date = 2021, month: 1, day: 1)
end_date = 2021, month: 1, day: 3)
Get Result
The result
variable will now contain amplitude and time for tidal high and low points based on predictions for a tidal station. The result also contains information about the tidal station.
result = client.get_tidal_data(placeid: place, start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date);
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the Ruby Library.
Add libtad-rs
as a dependency in Cargo.toml
libtad-rs = "0.2"
Build Query
The API library is now installed. Next, you specify the location and the optionally the date interval you are querying for. To perform the query, you will need your access key and secret key: Get them from the Access Key page on My Account.
Don't have a key? Sign up for our free trial and receive an access key to try it out.
let client ="access_key".into(), "secret_key".into());
let request = TidesRequest::new()
Get Result
The result
variable will now contain amplitude and time for tidal high and low points based on predictions for a tidal station. The result also contains information about the tidal station.
let result = client.get_tidal_data(&request);
Where to go next?
See our GitHub repository for more information on the Rust Library.
Build Query
You will need cURL installed in order to execute the following commands. The following samples also require you to have enabled "Insecure Methods" on your access key.
$ ACCESSKEY="<Your Access Key>"
$ SECRETKEY="<Your Secret Key>"
$ curl -G \
--data-urlencode "version=3" \
--data-urlencode "prettyprint=1" \
--data-urlencode "accesskey=$ACCESSKEY" \
--data-urlencode "secretkey=$SECRETKEY" \
--data-urlencode "placeid=norway/stavanger" \
--data-urlencode "startdt=2021-01-01" \
--data-urlencode "enddt=2021-01-01T23:59:59" \
Get Result
Execute cURL with the parameters set previously and receive the resulting calculation as a JSON object.
"version": 3,
"billing": {
"credits": 1
"stations": [{
"source": {
"name": "Stavanger",
"latitude": 58.974339,
"longitude": 5.730121,
"type": "Reference Station",
"distance": 0.740816
"matchparam": "norway/stavanger",
"result": [{
"time": {
"iso": "2021-01-01T04:32:17",
"datetime": {
"year": 2021,
"month": 1,
"day": 1,
"hour": 4,
"minute": 32,
"second": 17
"amplitude": 0.494444,
"phase": "low"
"time": {
"iso": "2021-01-01T10:55:47",
"datetime": {
"year": 2021,
"month": 1,
"day": 1,
"hour": 10,
"minute": 55,
"second": 47
"amplitude": 1.005585,
"phase": "high"
"time": {
"iso": "2021-01-01T17:01:25",
"datetime": {
"year": 2021,
"month": 1,
"day": 1,
"hour": 17,
"minute": 1,
"second": 25
"amplitude": 0.478707,
"phase": "low"
"time": {
"iso": "2021-01-01T23:21:00",
"datetime": {
"year": 2021,
"month": 1,
"day": 1,
"hour": 23,
"minute": 21,
"second": 0
"amplitude": 0.971725,
"phase": "high"